The Perch

Binsey Ln, Binsey, Oxford
01865 728891

Recent Reviews

Eleanor Robinson

Came for my friend's wedding which was hosted in the perch in the marquee.It was literally a perfect day! The team did everything they could to make it special. The food was delicious (they catered to my gluten allergy and veggie diet). The marquee was set up beautifully and they had a really cool speaker/dance floor. We had lovely photos in front of the fields. Our own outdoor space too. Bar + waiting staff were super friendly and professional. Wonderful job!Thanks for a super special day !

kathryn Adams

No Parking! There is very little parking here and the tiny road leading to it is lined with cars making access to it tricky. We had driven for an hour and a half to meet friends here. The place was very busy but our waiter was friendly and attentive at first. We said it was a birthday celebration and he said they could do something special but this was forgotton and we were then served by several different people. I wouldn't have said the service was slow until we ordered dessert and were then told we had to vacate the table in 20 minutes so needed to order one now, each table has a two hour turn around. Our Sunday carvery could have arrived sooner if this was the case, we weren't aware of this. The fasted thing to arrive was the card machine for payment, we hadn't even discussed how we were going to split the bill or what tip we felt happy with, certainly not the 12% that was automatically added and we had removed. Too much of a conveyer belt of diners and not relaxing at all. We won't be returning.

Douglas Aberdeen

For an insanely busy pub on a fine spring evening, the staff were mostly attentive and good humoured. The food was also very good, in particular the chips and my rolled roast pork. The large beer garden also looked a treat all lit up. Make sure you reserve if you want to eat.Parking: Plenty of parking in the field, but it's a 10 minute walk.


Good food, friendly service, great setting

Mr. Mzz

Lovely location, huge garden and cosy interior. Off the beaten track and nestled by Port Meadow.

Nick Cook

Great riverside pub. Excellent Guinness great chips.

Apolline P

A lovely pub - the atmosphere was great and the setting is gorgeous.However, we were disappointed by the food, especially the burger, which was quite tough, the red wine was really bad for the price.

Norman “SOLJAH76” Wilkinson

EaaaVegetarian options: Amazing selection ?


Great location

Frank O Miller

Lovely pub off the Thames in

Joel Higgs

Good pub lunch with bespoke ales. Pie was especially good!


Burgers are severely overcooked!! But the chips were good. Coleslaw was average. The bar shed food could be better.

Jessica Miorini

Food is nice and atmospherel/setting is also beautiful. Some of the staff, however, are rude and very clearly racist.Our friend (a woman of colour) asked whether they served olives at the shed, and the middle-aged white guy at the till replied 'No, this is an English pub. We only serve English food here.' This in a place that sells Aperol and Limoncello Spritz (famous quintessentially British drinks!).IN REPLY: I didn't state or imply the menu choices are racially motivated. I did say SOME of the staff are rude and racist. I (a white person) literally went and asked for olives (to see if I'd get the same reply) and the reply I received was simply 'No, we don't serve olives. We only have ...'. They could have simply explained that they don't serve certain dishes (and the history/rationale behind this) instead of making someone feel uncomfortable and hurt with their patronising and racist word choices. Also - get your history right: French fries are originally Belgian and burgers are American (and first appeared in 19th century).

Yannis Assael

Best place to be!

Charlotte Boaler

Lovely gorgeous pub garden, the shed bar food was really good and nice garden cocktails

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